Financial Reform is an idea whose time has come; actually, this is the way it used to be done before bankers realised they could issue receipts (cheques and later banknotes) against money they didn’t have, and which didn’t exist.
There is now more debt in existence than money per se, which is clearly absurd. If you are not au fait with the reason for this or the way the banking rip off works, Positive Money has made a short video – on its homepage – which explains how the pound in your pocket is an IOU in somebody else’s wallet. There is another – audio – clip here. *
There are reports from recent meetings on the current events page, and announcements of forthcoming meetings such as Edinburgh on August 31, Belfast on September 15, and the big one, the Monetary Reform Conference in Chicago, September 29-October 2. Speaking at this latter will be academics from the US, Germany and Japan.
Ben Dyson will also be speaking, on Monetary Reform in Great Britain – Objectives, Methods and Progress.
Full details of this conference can be found on the Institute’s own website. If you can’t afford the time or the $395 registration fee, there is a one day conference on September 29 at Winchester Guildhall hosted by the Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development (University of Southampton).
Alternatively, look out for videos on YouTube and related sites from the following week. Or sign up with Positive Money and get involved.
[The above article was first published August 25, 2011. * I forgot to archive this page at the time, ditto the relevant audio clip. I have not bothered with any of the other links because of the ephemeral nature of this article, but the subject matter is now easy to find on-line, including of course on this website.]
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