Interview with V.R. Hadkins including commentary


Running to a full hour and forty minutes, this interview with Social Crediter V.R. Hadkins was recorded at his home in Totley, Sheffield, on Wednesday December 8, 1982. Eleven years later to the day, I would be held in contempt of Parliament for an entirely different reason, but that’s another story.

When I first began taking a big interest in politics, I was lucky enough to read three important publications: Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqui’s Banking Without Interest; The Money Trick by the Institute Of Economic Democracy; and The Programme Of The NSDAP. I believe I read the latter first; I picked up a secondhand copy of Professor Siddiqui’s book as a result of this, as far as I can recall.

I read many other publications at the time, indeed I devoured them. Best not to mention Mein Kampf, but the works of C.H. Douglas I found and still find inspirational, if at times somewhat difficult to read.

Douglas died in 1952, and if he hasn’t been written out of history entirely, it is only to the extent that he is held up as a crank instead of the greatest economist who ever lived, and that without being an economist but an engineer.

The World Socialism website not only lies about Douglas but about usury, claiming banks cannot create credit but are only financial intermediaries.

You can read up on Major Douglas here.

The Programme Of The NSDAP was written not by Adolf Hitler but by Gottfried Feder, who like Douglas, was an engineer rather than an economist.

The problem of delivering the goods and services the community demands and desires is an engineering problem rather than an economic one, but only the very few realise this, although there is some evidence that this is now changing albeit very slowly.

This interview with Hadkins was taped over four decades ago, and was revisited only in November 2024. I cannot at this time recall how I found out about him, got in touch with him, or arranged to meet him, but I’m glad I did. I also recorded a similar conversation with Wilfred Price, on March 31 the following year. I have recently found and converted the second part of that interview but cannot find the first. If I still cannot find it in a month or so, I will upload the second part here anyway.

I sat on this material for so long for a number of reasons, the major one being that at that time, my life was spiralling out of control, and I was lucky to survive. It took me many years to recover, although I lost the only woman who had ever truly loved me.

I set up this website in November 2001, and as can be seen from the archived site index page, there wasn’t a lot on it. I have added quite a lot over the past 23 years, including dozens of links to my articles and videos on finance published elsewhere.

Since webspace became dirt cheap, I have published a great deal of material on many subjects, and I felt it was about time I got round to adding this. Which brings us finally to Mr Hadkins.

Victor Hadkins, known as V.R. Hadkins was actually born Raymond Victor Hadkins in 1901. That name reversal stumped me when I was researching him on-line. He married his first wife in 1927, and perhaps rather surprisingly his second wife in 1982. I cannot remember if I met her, but probably did. He died in 1988, having lived to a decent old age, longer than I will live, at any rate. To date I have been unable to find a photograph of him.

On July 20, 1966, the South Yorkshire Times (MEXBOROUGH AND SWINTON EDITION), reported he was retiring after working for 39 years as a teacher at Mexborough Grammar School (which no longer exists). Also retiring was his future second wife, Vera Paley, who had worked there for 35 years. She was said to have been the Head of the French Department, and both were former pupils.

A lifelong Social Crediter, on March 13, 1971, the same local paper reported that on March 18 he would be giving a speech to a Mexborough Christian group on the subject of inflation.

On February 17, 1981, he gave a speech at a local club on the absurdity of the national debt. A pamphlet with the same title can be found on this site.

Victor Hadkins also appears to have had a sense of humour; in October 1961, he jumped fully cloathed into a swimming pool at a gala, whereupon he was rescued by five boys.

Okay, that’s enough, click here to listen to the interview.

From around seven minutes, Hadkins debunks the socialist nonsense about banks not creating money. Incidentally, although that absurd article linked above does not mention him, it does mention both Wifred Price and Brian Leslie (whom I know personally). You will find several entries for him on the site index page. Hadkins goes on to explain how the entire process works – credit creation and destruction.

Then, he goes on to explain how automation will destroy jobs. Which is a good thing! I gave him a copy of Who Makes Our Money? He went on to explain the national dividend, which is what Social Credit is all about. I should point out that the Chinese system of Social Credit (which our unelected masters are trying to impose on the West) is nothing to do with the Social Credit of Major Douglas. The name is a mere coincidence.

Then he explains how a de facto bankrupt Britain fought and won the First World War.

Then we discuss The Absurdity Of The National Debt – the shortened leaflet version which was uploaded to this site initially, not the full version linked above.

We go on to discuss international loans and nationalisation then financial reform including Abraham Lincoln’s greenbacks. Then we discuss the Guernsey experiment, which can be downloaded from here, and the attempt to reform the system in Australia, and the failed attempt in Alberta, Canada.

We go on to discuss Major Douglas; like me he found him difficult to understand, apart from his ideas about Social Credit, the national dlividend and the control of money.

Finally, we go on to discuss more esoteric matters including the global situation. If the tape appears to end abruptly, it did not.

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